

Sep 13, 2014 · Create a new "ConnectiCorps," partnering with existing programs to help unemployed workers in urban areas. "The best way to get urban folks employed is to have urban folks employing them," Malloy

We share the passion and purpose behind each and every nonprofit’s mission and channel that purpose into a powerful, collective voice. The ConnectiCorps program is a great way to provide support to those nonprofits and to offer to our young people the opportunity for public service in these times of great challenge to our communities.” Gian-Carl Casa, President and CEO of the Alliance, said, “The Alliance is excited to lead this important program. The program, dubbed Connecticorps and modeled after the federal Americorps program, will match about 80 volunteers with nonprofits that need help. Volunteers will work about 30 hours a week and The state of Connecticut on Thursday announced the launch of ConnectiCorps, a service-based program intended to put young people to work and provide for needs in the community by serving It’s happening under the state’s new ConnectiCorps program, modeled after AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America. Participants will provide as many as 90,000 hours of work a year at 20 nonprofit agencies in exchange for modest stipends — up to $6,000 that can be applied to tuition or student loans. It’s happening under the state’s new ConnectiCorps program, modeled after AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America.

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Cradle To Career. 97,767. 100,000. 0. 0. -100,000.

Sophie is a West Hartford native serving through ConnectiCorps, an AmeriCorps program. She has always been interested in farming and is excited to work alongside the New Britain ROOTS and the New Britain community as we navigate the uncertainties of COVID-19. Sophie is a graduate of Princeton University with a degree in East Asian Studies.

The program, dubbed Connecticorps and modeled after the federal Americorps program, will match about 80 volunteers with nonprofits that need help. Volunteers will work about 30 hours a week and The state of Connecticut on Thursday announced the launch of ConnectiCorps, a service-based program intended to put young people to work and provide for needs in the community by serving It’s happening under the state’s new ConnectiCorps program, modeled after AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America.

Such plan shall include, but not be limited to: (1) An assessment of the feasibility of establishing the Connecticorps program not later than September 1, 2017, (2) the identification of existing or potential job sites for students participating in such program; (3) comprehensive research regarding the availability of stipends, housing and


Jun 25, 2020 · HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A new statewide program, known as ConnectiCorps, is being launched on Aug. 1 to help match nonprofit agencies who've struggled during the coronavirus pandemic with an ConnectiCorps welcomes applicants with a wide variety of educational and training experience. We recommend that you share up to three of your most relevant and substantive educational experiences, which can include an apprenticeship, leadership training, certification, or study abroad program, as well as your highest level of completed education.


Jun 25, 2020 · The ConnectiCorps program is a great way to provide support to those nonprofits and to offer to our young people the opportunity for public service in these times of great challenge to our ConnectiCorps, an AmeriCorps program Board of Directors. Maureen Mayo President. Tom Ford Vice President. Charles Marino Treasurer. Marvin Brown Secretary.


Community Health and Wellness photo / contibuted ConnectiCorps will place 60 to 80 part-time members who will provide between 70,000 and 90,000 total hours of service at up to 20 nonprofit sites. Duties of members will include reviewing/updating host-site COVID-19 safety protocols, deploying creative approaches to safely recruit and retain volunteers, helping nonprofits create virtual… AN ACT CONCERNING A PLAN FOR THE CONNECTICORPS PROGRAM. To improve the quality of life for Connecticut residents by establishing a Connecticorps program that will harness student energy, creativity and skills to support vital state and nonprofit programs. May 25, 2017 · In the budget Gov. Dannel P. Malloy released last week, the $125,458 ConnectiCorps budget line becomes $0 for the next two fiscal years.

Apply to Internal Communications Executive, Community Liaison, Director of Communications and more! Jeff Lange | Board Member Barbara Lindsay | Board Member Peter Loden | Board Member John Schwing | Loaves and Fishes Captain | Journalist, Literacy Tutor Jill Strawn | Board Member Jun 30, 2020 · Gov. Ned Lamont announcing a new "Connecticorps" jobs program in Bloomfield last week. On Tuesday, he announced more funding for summer jobs for young people. Jul 01, 2020 · ConnectiCorps also will be funded through an AmeriCorps state and federal grant approved by Serve Connecticut, which is the Connecticut Commission on Community Service under the state Office of americorps connecticorps service member. As an AmeriCorps service member serving with ConnectiCorps, I am very excited to be spending the 2020-21 service year with Groundwork Bridgeport. I hope to help the organization respond to COVID-19 by developing procedures for recruiting and retaining volunteers in this challenging new context. Feb 24, 2020 · Gov. Lamont announces new ‘Connecticorps’ jobs program for young people to work for nonprofits during pandemic Tyler McCumber goes from out of the Travelers to a 5-under performance in a span “ConnectiCorps is an exciting initiative that can mobilize up to 80 AmeriCorps members to enhance the capacity of nonprofits through strategic volunteer generation activities as Connecticut responds to and recovers from COVID-19.


Just a little something from our kitchen. 12/28/2020 . That’s Colin and Maddie, they came to help today with Colin’s mom (Stacey). We need more people like them that help spread kindness. 12/28/2020 .

All ConnectiCorps Service Members must pass a three-part background check to be eligible. Your position is unique to AmeriCorps and does not displace nonprofit staff or volunteers.

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June 25, 2020: Governor Lamont Announces ConnectiCorps Service Opportunity June 24, 2020: Governor Lamont Provides Update on Connecticut’s Coronavirus Response Efforts June 24, 2020: Governor Lamont, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Murphy Announce Joint Incoming Travel Advisory That All Individuals Traveling From States With Significant

11. Proposed S.B. No. 446 AN ACT CONCERNING  1 Oct 2015 Special Act 15-11 (SB 445): AN ACT CONCERNING A PLAN FOR THE CONNECTICORPS PROGRAM. Requires the state Labor Department,  Feb 17, 2017 Amanda Boaz and I am submitting testimony in support of restoring the cut of $125,458 to the ConnectiCorps line item in the Department of . 1 Jan 2018 311,403. -133,458.

11/28/2020 . Get to know Jenn. Jenn is a service member of ConnectiCorps, she is at the soup kitchen to assist in bridging the gap between the needs for service and the demands that have been exacerbated in the wake of the pandemic.

.@GovNedLamont in partnership with the Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, announced launch of ConnectiCorps, a new community service program Marc Donald, executive director of RYASAP, the Bridgeport group, said ConnectiCorps workers might supplement the two AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers who help in the agency’s leadership and mentoring programming, as well as opioid-prevention programming, where they can learn about mental health and drug abuse.

Thinking about becoming an AmeriCorps Member? Learn more about Americorps benefits, requirements and the many diverse service opportunities in Connecticut. ConnectiCorps quick facts: ConnectiCorps will place 60 to 80 part-time members, who will provide between 70,000 and 90,000 total hours of service at up to 20 nonprofit sites. ConnectiCorps will select between 10 and 20 sites where our Service Members will be placed. Service Members will serve either 1,200 or 900 hours within the service term (August 3, 2020 - July 31, 2021), which can be scheduled however it works best for you and for them. Are you looking for a shipping solution?